Friday, September 2, 2011

Candida Natural Remedy

Candida Albicans�"Yeast�"is a fungus that grows naturally and harmlessly in women's vaginas and in the intestines in both men and women. They live just like bacteria in the mouth. If there is an upset in the balance or ecology of the area by taking antibiotics or if you have diabetes then you may get more yeast and a vaginal infection. Other things that can provoke a yeast infection include pregnancy, birth control pills, hormones for menopause, chemical douches, nicks in the vaginal wall from tampons, too little lubrication during intercourse or having intercourse with someone who is infected. Some women suffer with chronic yeast infections periodically. Two telltale symptoms of the infection are itching or burning in the vaginal area or if you see an unusual white cheesy vaginal discharge.
Researchers proved that Candida albicans survives normal wash-and-dry cycles, once deposited in a woman's panties, meaning it can re-infect the wearer. But most women don't want to take the chance of a panty raid in the kitchen. So what's the answer? Here's three ways to kill an Infection:
• Give those panties an extra scrub. As a precaution, scrub the crotch and avoid fabric softener.
• Boil the fungus away. Another laundry and underwear study reported you can soak them in bleach for 24 hours prior to reuse to kill the candida. Wash with mild detergent before wearing.
• Kill it with heat. Candida can die when panties are touched with a hot iron.
Some doctors argue that 60-80 percent of American population maybe affected by an overgrowth of candida yeast. Much of it is caused by the overuse of prescription antibiotics and diets high in sugar and other carbohydrates. If left untreated the yeast can become parasitic, robbing the body of vital nutrients in addition developing plant like roots (rhizoids) that can penetrate and attach themselves to the inside of the intestinal wall. These roots can dig deep enough to cause permeability in the intestinal tract allowing toxic material to flow into the blood which is know as LGS, Lea Gut Syndrome. Beneficial bacteria attach themselves to the intestinal wall helping to repair and cleanse the mucosa rather than destroy. Bad bacteria, good bacteria and candida yeast all fight to become attached to the intestinal wall where it is warm and moist. When sufficient amounts of bacteria are introduced, candida is overtaken and healthy intestinal flora will color in its place. Listed are some natural remedies for candida:

*Sleep like Eve. Sleep naked or take off your panties underneath your nightgown and give your body 8 hours of unencumbered relief.
*Wear loose clothing. During the day, avoid tight fitting clothing or clothing made from fibers that don't allow good air circulation.
*Use a natural lubricant. Use a natural lubrication during intercourse. (Do Not Use Petroleum jelly with condoms, because it will cause holes to form in the rubber.) Do not use baby oil, because it contains perfume.
*Mix yourself a healing bath. Have a sitz bath. Add salt (enough to make the water taste salty, about ½ cup) or add vinegar (1/2 cup) to help rebalance the vaginal ph to 4.5
* Use uncolored toilet paper. Dr.Crandall suggests using plain white, unscented toilet paper.
*Keep germs in their place. Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement. Wash anything that comes in contact with the vagina.
*Wash before intercourse. If you and your partner are clean there's less chance of transferring yeast germs into the vagina.
*Douche with vinegar. Mix 4 tsp. vinegar to 1 pt. of lukewarm water is suggested because vinegar has approximately the same acidity as the vagina. Also, you can purchase premixed vinegar-and-water solutions.
*Urinate before and after. Men and women should urinate and wash before and after ses.
*Avoid sex when you have vaginitis. Intercourse can further irritate the inflammation caused by a yeast infection.
*Use a condom. It will protect partners from passing yeast back and forth.
Candidal infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas. Usually your skin effectively blocks yeast but any breakdown or cuts in the skin may allow this organism to penetrate.

For more information click here

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