Friday, September 2, 2011

Kidney Stones - Natural Cures

Anyone with kidney stones knows how painful they can be. Kidney stones natural cures come in many forms and this article will give you ways to alleviate the pain and pass the stone naturally.

There are a few natural cures for kidney stones. One of the things doctors often suggest for kidney stone natural cures is having a healthy diet. If a person has kidney stones then they should try a vegetarian diet. No meat and no caffeine, just vegetables and lots of water. It may seem odd that a well balanced diet would help but kidney stones are formed because of all the salt and caffeine people put into their everyday diets.

Doctors suggest that drinking a lot of water is the best kidney stones natural cure. Kidney stones form quicker in dehydrated conditions. With water, the acids and other substances that make up a kidney stone are washed out before they have time to form a stone. Diuretics are also suggested as a kidney stones natural remedy. Certain diuretics have potassium magnesium and other natural chemicals that can help dissolve particular kidney stones like calcium oxalate.

Research suggests that jumping and squats help ease the pain and make the kidney stone pass quicker. Drinking lukewarm water 25 to 30 minuets before doing the jumps or squats can greatly reduce pain. The movement helps dislodge the stone, making the kidney stone pass quicker. Kidney stone natural cures like this one can make life easier for people with kidney stones.

Fruit is yet another great kidney stone natural cure. Fruit have acids in it that help break down the kidney stone. Many people do not like drinking but so much water a day, so fruit, or a mixture of fruit and water, is their next best option. Fruit can actually be better than drinking a lot of water because it has more natural acids in it than water. Fruit breaks down kidney stones faster and helps them dissolve into smaller pieces, making it easier for them to pass. This way it can pass less painfully, without the cost of surgery, saving the person expensive trips to the doctor's office.

Other doctors say that reflexology has been proven to get the kidney stone moving. Working your kidney, diaphragm, parathyroid and bladder helps get the kidney stone moving so it passes quicker. This is also said to be a great kidney stone natural cure.

A widely accepted kidney stone natural cure is juice therapy. They say drinking 100% cranberry juice can help the kidney stone not grow any larger. Kidney stones are formed from calcium. The cranberry juice removes calcium from the urine so the kidney stone does not grow. If urine sits on a kidney stone for too long the calcium will stick to the kidney stone and make it larger. When drinking 100% cranberry juice it takes the calcium out so it does not stick.

There is a method to get rid of kidney stones without ever having to worry about the pain of passing them. It is the newest in kidney stones natural cure and it is called the Vitamin and Mineral Therapy. This therapy says to take 800 milligrams of magnesium and 100 milligrams of vitamin B6 a day. With the help of freshly squeezed juice, it will help degenerate the kidney stone without a problem.

There are several different methods and accepted kidney stones natural cures. It might take some trial and error, but there is one that can help with the pain and discomfort of having a kidney stone.

Stop suffering from kidney stones when you don't have to! This kidney stone report will show you a home kidney stone treatment to get rid of your kidney stone within 24 hours and is effective 90% of the time.

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